Technical Support

No, the self-assessments are just screening tools to help you understand your current mental health condition and manage it before it becomes severe. 

No, there is no such provision for now. Once self-assessments are taken, depending on the results, the app recommends whom to consult. 

No, the App cannot be linked to any external device.

Yes, the App continues to be available if you want to use it.

Yes, if and only if you want to. You can only share which colour of the mental health continuum you find yourself in, but you cannot share the answers to each question on the self-assessments. Sharing can be done only by informing others of the outcomes. There is no sharing facility within the App.

NO, your superiors will not  know the results of your self-assessments.

The UN’s MindCompanion App's usage information remains within the App. The app managers will only know how many individuals are using the app and what resources/assessments are getting the most visits.   We will also collect anonymously how many users there are from each Member State and the UN missions.

NO, authorities cannot identify you.

It's absolutely safe. Your email and phone number are encrypted, and no one can identify you as an individual.

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